- Location
- Certain Camera Angles
- Plot
- Costume
- Props
- Editing Effects
We have come up with a basic plot and storyline idea. We have decided to choose a mix of action and adventure genre for our openining sequence. The reason for this is because we wanted to do a chase scene and this would fit easily and well into both of the these genres. We have come with the idea that the start of opening sequence will start with a pan movement of the camera over a comic/cartoon effect picture or video and then almost move into one of the cartoon pictures and switch to normal camera images and have a 10 second ish period of establishing shots of the location we are going to be filming in. We have also decided on keeping this bit silent or having non digetic music on a quiet level in the background as this will create tension for when we cut to the chase scene. After the establishing shots we have decided to go straight into the chase scene because it will immediately entice the audience. We then follow the guy running away from behind to get the effect that the person is following him. After the on foot chase scene it will switch to the person who was running away jumping onto a dirt bike and riding off into the 'sunset' and the audience will think that he has got away but before the opening sequence ends we will put a fish eye lens onto the camera to make it look like he hasnt got away as someone is aiming at him with a gun and this will set the scene for the rest of the film.
The location we hope to film in is near Etton because it has nice tree lines and wide open spaces which could make the setting look sinister and creepy and also make the people in the chase look small. It also has a few tunnels and normally empty roads which could be used to show the motorbike and the person escaping.
Ideas for Editing Stage
As you can see, we have obviously thought deeply about this process as we have thought about it before we have even filmed anything.
We think that a cartoon/comic book effect similar to thew effect used in Sin City would be effective to start and end the sequence which you can read about in my plot section above. We also thought about creating an effect where it looks like blood is dripping down the screen like in James Bond but after a group decision we have decided against this because we don't want to insinuate that the guy running away has been shot, so the film can carry on.
We also had a discusion about what type of music we would like and we came up with fast paced music to coincide with what is happening in the opening sequence. I suggested that we use Kasabian - Club Foot because it has an eery silent start and then quickly goes into a fast paced beat which could work well with our idea but we will have to see when we get to that stage and we will all be looking for other pieces of music that could work.
At the moment the planning has been very sucessful and we are all clear about what we want film opening sequence to be like and we have already set a date to get the filming done. :D