The main purpose of an opening sequence is to establish things like characterisation, setting, genre, narrative and the visual style of the film. Sometimes it can also establish the ideology of a
film as well.
I believe we have achieved all of these things in our opening sequence. Aidan's character has quickly been established as one of mystery but one of intimidation and violence. This idea came from my research in 'Dirty Harry' because the killer's face has been obscured yet he is still violent and this is what was attempted in our opening sequence.
This picture has been taken from 'Dirty Harry' and the gun clearly disguises the killer's face and it also makes the gun looks long and more violent.Between the two pictures you can clearly see similarities and from this I think we have achieved what we intended.
The setting of our opening sequence is quickly established and the audience can see that it is to be set in almost countryside. We decided on using this kind of setting as its not what you normally see in action movies as they usually are set in big cities therefore we are challenging the conventions of real media products through our setting.
I also believe that we establish our visual style from the very first image of the the opening sequence. The first image the audience see is one of a comic book style of the story that is about to unfold. We got the idea of this from a bmx video called Sin City and also the movie itself 'Sin City'. In this movie there is a visual style of comic/ cartoons and after watching this i found it very effective and unusual for an action movie to revert back to comic strips.
2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?
In our opening sequence there is 2 characters and both play a main role. With both characters we wanted to represent the average young adult and we dressed them on this basis.
This is a picture of Callum's character from our opening sequence. As you can see from the picture he is wearing a hoody, jeans and trainers. We wanted this character to wear these clothes because it gives off the idea that he is a casual person and that he is unsuspecting. This style given to this character is also another fashion worn by young adults at the moment and this is why we've got him wearing these, to keep him up to date with out target audience of young adults. He also has long ish hair just like Aidan's character to show his youthfulness. We wanted this character to be slightly smaller in stature compared to Aidan's Character so that Aidan looked a bit more threatening and overpowering. We also had to have this character as a male because Aidan's character is male and we thought it would look almost comical to have him chasing after a woman.
Both of our actors are young and 'trendy' to represent the audience we want to target with our opening sequence.
3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The opening sequence we have made is obviously a low budget film. It is low budget film because of the equipment we used and the actors and setting used. All of the stuff provided was free therefore it is low budget. Distribution in the film industry means the business of launching and sustaining films in the market place.
This means that we need a media institution that specialises in the distribution of low budget films and not an institution that specialises in Hollywood movies. This is because these institutions will help us to spread our media product around the UK and we would be able to trust an institution like this because they would have had experience at doing it. A media institution that might want to distribute a low budget film like ours is Film 4.
Film 4 is a media institution that develops, co-finances and helps to distribute media products, mainly films. Low budget films that Film 4 have helped to make a success are: Looking for Eric and Slumdog Millionaire. This shows they know what they are doing and they are very successful at doing this and both of these are very important.
Film 4 might take on a media product like ours because it is low budget and there might be a gap in the market for it. Without media institutions like Film 4, low budget films would not get distributed and the film industry would be ruled my films that cost million dollars to make. I feel it is very important that low budget films like ours to get a chance to be aired and shown to people because there are some very good low budget films out there and Film 4 has helped to prove this.
Big media institutions such as Columbia Pictures that have helped to distribute movies such as Spider Man and The Da Vinci Code would be no use to us because institutions like that are interested in making big bucks and to do this they have to take on media products such as the mentioned films.
4) Who would be the audience for your media product?
When we first planned our opening sequence we said that we wanted to target teenagers and young adults because we thought the action genre would appeal to this audience the most. I think the rough age bracket that our media product appeal to is 15 years - 25 years. Also, our target audience is males because of the action genre and we felt that males would be more interested in this genre than females.
Also, I believe that the younger generation likes to watch films involving violence and chases and hear swearing. So we thought it was important to have at least of of these things in the opening sequence and we went for the chase so we could entice our audience immediately with fast action. We chose to do this as it would still appeal to our audience but we didn't want to give too much away too them and thought we'd save the violence for the main part of the film. Because of the violence and the swearing to come in the film we thought it was best to classify it as a 15 rating because the violence wouldn't be too horrific but still awful enough to appeal to our audience.
5) How did you attract/address your audience?
Firstly we attracted our audience by having a poster promoting our media product, this was so our target audience could get a sense/taste of what was to come. Here is that poster....
I believe we attracted and addressed our audience successfully due to the feedback we received about our opening sequence...
Although one of the comments doesn't really say anything about our video in pa
6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
Over the Media AS level, i have learnt alot about technologies from cameras to editing software. All i have learned will be very useful for next years coursework and also for later on in life as i now know more than the basics about certain technologies.
In the research stage of this task i used the internet a lot to do research about genre and other opening sequences of films. I found this very helpful to me as i knew what certain things should be in an action genre film. I also used Youtube to watch opening sequenes for example Dawn of the Dead and this was useful because it inspired me to make a fast paced opening sequence.
In the planning stage of this task i learnt a fair bit about how to use a camera. I used a digital camera to take photos of certain parts of our location i though would be good. By using the camera to take photos, it allowed me to see what parts would be good for light and what people would be able to see in certain long shots. Both of these were important and if i hadn't have learnt this then i think i would have made errors on the way light works in the opening sequence.
7) Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in
the progression from it to the full product?
Our preliminary task was around 30 seconds long and our opening sequence was over 2 minutes long. So obviously it was going to be harder to create a clear narrative over 2 minutes long than for 30 seconds.
I think the main weaknesses of our preliminary task was to do with camera techniques. After watching back our preliminary task i can notice a little shake of the camera a couple of times. So we felt it was important to not let this happen in the opening sequence and to do this we gave it a couple seconds after pressing record to shout action so that the shakeyness cannot be seen in the scene and the same at the end of the clip.
Another weakness i picked up from our preliminary task was how to use light effectively. In one scene of the preliminary task you can see a room to be dark but the next shot its quite light and this is to do with where the camera was placed. So, to adress this issuse on the opening sequence we took a digital camera out to our locations and tested the light so when it came to film we knew where we could posititon the camera to take advantage of the natural and non natural light.
We didn't just address the weaknesses of our preliminary task but also the strengths. We found a strength to be our continuity in the editing stage and we took what we learnt from the preliminary task into the opening sequence. Our strength in continuity was helpful because it meant we didn't have to spend a lot of time on in during the editing stage of the opening sequence.
Another thing we took from our preliminary task into our opening sequence is other people's opinions and points of view on camera angles. When we did the preliminary task we asked each other opinions on the angles and if it needed to be change slightly and we repeated this in the opening sequence. We found this an important thing to do because somebody might spot something in the scene that i missed. Also, i found it helpful to have other peoples opinions on camera angles because as a group we could collectively agree on good angles which made our opening sequence better than it would've been if i had worked on my own as i wouldn't have had other people expressing their views and trying to help.
Overall i believe everything has been a sucess, from preliminary task to this evaluation. :D