Hi im Andy, Im currently doing AS Media Studies and below is my blog about this...... have fun reading :D

Please click on 2010 to see the whole of my blog!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Audience Feedback

We posted our video on to youtube and posted the youtube link onto facebook so people could comment on our opening sequence and give us feedback about how we did and what we can do to improve it. Unfortunately we didn't recieve many comments on youtube or facebook but we did get a few which were postive feedback.

Here is our facebook comments we recieved..

Although one of the comments doesn't really say anything about our video in particular it still is a positive comment which as a group makes us feel good and confident about our opening sequence. The other comment is also positive and it says that our storyline is good and that our music fits well with whats going on and helps to make it flow. This is very postivive for me as i chose the song for our opening sequence and it also gives credit to all of us for managing to edit it so the song would flow nicely. Also, we put a lot of thought into the storyline so its nice that other people think it is good aswell.
The above comments are from youtube. There are once again both positvie and one of them also states how the music flows with the clips. Sam comments on it saying he really likes it which is very postive as it shows that he does actually like and isn't just saying it.
Overall i am pleased with the comments we recieved but i just wish we had more comments. I am going to continue to try and get more feedback as it would help us massively.
