Hi im Andy, Im currently doing AS Media Studies and below is my blog about this...... have fun reading :D

Please click on 2010 to see the whole of my blog!

Monday, 26 April 2010


From planning to editing we encountered some problems, some we were able to put right but one or two we couldn't.

The first problem we had was planning and agreeing on a genre to do in our opening sequence. Originally we thought about using the horror genre but changed our minds because horror is quite a wide genre and we also thought it would be hard to set the right tone and darkness in our opening sequence so we got over this problem by choosing the action genre.

One problem with filming we had was that the day we filmed it was quite windy and the wind got into the microphone and basically took out the rest of the sound in the clip for example dialogue. This meant we had to go back and re shoot some of our clips until we were happy with them.

One problem encountered in the editing stage was that the clips were filmed in HD and they wouldn't work on the computers we were using to edit which means we had to render them down to AVI and we lost valuable time doing this but the AVI clips looked good so we weren't too bothered about the time loss.

Another problem in editing was the fitting the music soundtrack to what happens in the clip, we managed to do it perfectly and got the change in music spot on to the kick start of the motorbike. But, for some reason or other after burning our clip onto the dvd we noticed that there was some background noises in the clip that we didnt hear in the editing stage and also the sound seemed to have become quieter even though we made it loud in the editing stage. This is a problem we couldn't rectify because we had already burned the clip to a disc.

Also, I think that our opening sequence would have been better if we had more credits instead of just the credits at the end and the beginning. Looking back I think we could have put credits in stating our names and also a film distribution for example Film4. This would have made it look more professional and therefore better.

Overall, I believe that the opening sequence I helped to create was a sucess. The things we did well was work as a team, come up with different ideas and try to merge them into one idea and also i believe our ability to use a camera and edit were very good.

Looking back on it now there are some things that I would change if i had the chance. First of all I would sort sound the sound problems and then I would re arrange some of the clips as I believe that it would make the story look clearer and also more believable to the audience.

I am very proud of what we acvhieved. WELL DONE BLOB PRODUCTIONS!
