Hi im Andy, Im currently doing AS Media Studies and below is my blog about this...... have fun reading :D

Please click on 2010 to see the whole of my blog!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Main Task Update

Recently we have filmed our main opening sequence....

The filming went pretty well but it was quite windy when we got most of our shots/clips so we though that might be a problem in the editing stage but we figured we wouldbe able to mute the sound a place a music soundtrack over the top. We worked well as a team and we got all the desired shots/clips we intended on doing. The camera we used was excellent as it was easy to use and very high quality even though the battery life wasn't exceptional and caused us to worry a bit when filming our last couple of clips. We used a variety of shots, from close ups to mid shots to long shots to high angle to over the shoulder shots. We didn't film any dialogue as we thought it would break up the pace of the opening sequence. Here are some pictures from us filming...

When we went to edit the clips we had, we realised we had filmed in HD which is a bit of a problem for the computers or the sony vegas software. We managed to rectify this by rendering the clips down from HDV to AVI, but this took us a long time and put us back a little bit in terms of time for editing.

The editing stage went very well in my opinion. We manged to intergrate our comic strip theme into our opening sequence at the start which looks brilliant, we also managed to almost zoom into the comic to give the effect that the audience are going into the story. We also managed to make the clip run smoothly and also add in a few dissolves and fades which show a time change.
